Cyber Attack: What You Need To Know

A cyber attack is a calculated and intentional misuse of your systems, networks, personal details, and sensitive data of the organization or an individual. These cyberattacks can lead to heavy financial losses, and data loss and can even result in reputational damage or in the worst-case scenario closing of a business (in case of serious cyber-attacks).

So, that is why cyber security is very crucial in every organization and business. Some examples of cyber-attacks are –

  1. Malware, Ransomware
  2.  Phishing, Social Engineering, Spamming, trojans and viruses.
  3.  Identity theft, Frauds
  4.  Password sniffing
  5.  Private and Public Website Browser Exploits

There are many more ways and methods of cyber attacks and threats that we must be aware of. But what is most important is to move to the fundamentals of cybersecurity to keep your devices and your important data protected from such cyber criminals.

So, let’s look at some of the main cybersecurity basics

1. Keep Yourself and Your Devices Up-To-Date

Updating your software is not just about getting to know about the new features that have been added it is also important to keep your device protected from malicious actors.

Although the software when released goes through immense testing and checking for any loopholes, sometimes some errors can get missed. The developers get to know about the flaws when the software is used by a larger audience. That is why new versions are regularly released where those flaws are corrected.

Also, you must keep yourself updated by being aware of the latest cyber threats that every individual needs to guard against, and should be educated about all the fundamentals of cyber security.

So, to keep your software and yourself secured from cyber attackers, you need to be updated regularly.

2. Install Anti-Virus Software To Safeguard Your Device

An antivirus software helps you avoid downloads or installs that may have viruses. This antivirus software detects if any, threat is going on in your device and removes them as well. If you want to keep your software protected from all the latest threats then antivirus is a must for your device.

3. Strong Passwords Mean Less Chances Of Cyber Attack

Strong passwords are the most important step to prevent getting your software or your account hacked. Common passwords like “qwerty12345” or “12345”, etc., are a big NO! The password should be strong enough that no one can practically break it.

A password must be at least 12+ characters long and it must contain a combination of alphabets numbers and symbols. So, if you are someone who is bad at creating strong passwords, just keep in mind that the password must not contain any series of numbers or alphabets.

Although a strong password is needed to safeguard your account, there is a new concept “No Password- Identifying a user’s identity without entering a password” which is going to replace the method of entering passwords. As even the strongest passwords aren’t been safe online, this “Passwordless” concept is going to make your account much more secure by using alternatives like possession factors (one-time passwords [OTP], registered smartphones), or biometrics (fingerprint, retina scans).

4. Never Open Unknown Email Attachments And Link In Emails From Unknown Senders

This is the most common method of getting cyberattacked. End-users (us) are the most tricky step to unlock for any hacker. If you do not have cybersecurity awareness, then get ready for a surprise from any malicious actor!

Cybercriminals send emails impersonating someone from your organization or your family asking for personal details or file access. Most of the time, these emails or links seem to be sent from a trusted source and therefore becomes very easy for an untrained person to believe it.

That is why it is important for us to be aware of these common and latest threats. Here are some points to keep in mind for awareness –

  1. Always double-check the links before clicking them.
  2.  Double-check the source of any email and if it looks spammy even for a tad bit then do not open any attachment or link of the email.
  3.  Be totally aware and keep the common sense power ON before sending any kind of sensitive information to anyone.

5. Never Trust Unsecure Wi-Fi Networks

Nowadays, Wi-Fi is being provided by many restaurants, cafes, and even railway stations or airports. these Wi-Fi networks are mostly unsecured. So try not to use such networks as they are one of the easiest ways for cybercriminals to access your personal details.

6. Avoid Identity Theft

If you are someone who is bad at managing your sensitive or personal data, then get ready to fall into the trap of identity theft.

Identity theft means when someone uses your personal information to mimic you on any platform so that they can gain benefits in your name while you are the one paying for it.

This method can cause heavy financial losses. So, to keep yourself protected from such type of theft, you must keep in mind the following points –

  1. Never share your Aadhaar Number Or PAN card Number (Social Identity Number For the U.S.; Aadhaar For India) with anyone you do not know/trust.
  2.  Never share your Aadhaar OTP with anyone over a call. If you’ve received unnecessary OTP, then be aware that your Aadhaar Number is in the wrong hands.
  3.  Be cautious about sharing your sensitive and personal information on social media accounts.
  4.  Never Share your Bank Account PIN number with anyone you do not know/trust.

7. Always Use Two-Factor Authentication

Two Factor Authentication is also known as Multifactor Authentication or Two Step Factor Authentication. It is actually an extra step of security for your email account, bank account, etc. Trusted websites and applications of your bank account, email account, and social media accounts make sure you are the one accessing the information.

  • The first step is by asking something only you know like your birthplace or your father’s middle name.
  •  The second step is to ask something you have like a confirmation text on your phone (OTP, PIN, etc.)

These two steps are practically hard for a malicious actor to break. So, now you know that you know the importance of Two-Factor Authentication, opt-in to your every important application and website.

8. Never Forget To Back-Up Your Data

Backing up all your data is one of the most important points to keep in mind to avoid any type of severe financial or data loss. So, always have your data backed up in a safe place that is unknown to cybercriminals.

Let Us Protect You From Every Cyber Attack

Due to the increasing number of cyber thefts and cyber attacks, the demand for #cybersecurity is also increasing. We all are dependent on technology for everything from our work to socializing with our friends. This is where all the cyber crimes come into place.

Technology can no doubt protect your data to a great extent, still, it is a fact that humans are one of the weakest links for any cybercrime to happen. But don’t worry, this is where UniSense Advisory plays the role for you.

From determining the risk of cybercrime to developing a culture of digital security, UniSense Advisory brings it all together. Whether it’s risk analysis and management, training your organization, or getting trained as an individual for basic awareness that lasts indefinitely, is what is needed to fight against cyber criminals.

Get in touch with us for any kind of cyber security services because all you need is to beat cyber crime and maintain security with your organization!